2015年4月30日 星期四

穗穗愛繪本: One Sudden Hill, by Linda Sarah and Benji Davies

The Storm Whale海裡來的鯨魚是我很喜歡的繪本之一, 不論畫風或是故事內容.  有次我偷聽兩隻的前保母,  看著圖片講這繪本給小朋友聽,  竟然也能把內容講到差不多,  代表繪畫的部分能夠傳達故事意境,  我覺得這是一本好的繪本應該要有的要素.

於是在一個夜黑風高的夜晚, 我把作者Benji Davies的繪本上網研究了一番, 找到這本On Sudden Hill, 私以為也是棒棒咪之選.

Two cardboard boxes, big enough to sit in, hide inside.
Birt and Etho take them out each day, climb up Sudden Hill and sit in them
兩個紙箱, 大到可以坐在裡面, 躲進去.
Birt和Etho每天帶紙箱, 爬上Sudden Hill
Sometimes they're kings, soldiers, astronauts.
Sometimes they are pirates sailing wild seas and skies.
有時他們是國王, 士兵, 太空人
Birt loves their two by two rhythm.
Birt 喜歡他們兩個一起的節奏
And then one Monday(it's cramping cold) they meet another box-carrier who want to joint them.

This tiny boy's called Shu.
He's watched Birt and Etho every day and finally found a big enough box and courage to ask if he can play too.

在一個很冷的星期一, 他們遇到另一個帶紙箱的男孩, 想要加入.
他每天看著Birt和Etho, 有一天他終於找到夠大的紙箱, 和勇氣去詢問可不可以加入.
(@@就是這個點, 就是這個點!!)
Etho smiles and says, "Sure!"
And so the three sit in their boxes, watch one kestrel and two lost clouds.
於是他們三個坐在自己的紙箱, 看著一隻小鷹和雲朵.
(請家長放心, 書本並沒有討論到性向的部分)
One night, Birt smashes his box, stamps on it, rips it to bits.
His dad shouts something flat from the front room about being quiet and that's enough!
有一天晚上, Birt把紙箱打扁, 踩碎, 撕成碎片.
他老爸從房間大叫: 夠了, 給我安靜點
Birt stops going up Sudden Hill.
Birt不去Sudden Hill了.
Etho and Shu call round sometimes. Birt avoids them.
Instead he stays at home mostly drawing pictures of two boxes, side-by side.
But he misses Etho. He misses their cardboard castles on Sudden Hill.
Etho和Shu跑來找過幾次, 但是Birt都避不見面.
他躲在家裡, 大部分在畫畫,  畫兩個箱子排排站.
他想念Etho, 他們的紙箱城堡.
One day, a knock on the door.
He hears Shu's voice. 
"We made you something. Please come out"
All Birt can see as he peeks from the curtain is a box.
一天, 有人敲門
"我們做了東西給你, 請出來看"
But it's much, much more than a box.
It's got bright, waving things attached to it like huge kites. 
It's got colours. It's got sound. It's got, it's got WHEELS!
有顏色, 有聲音, 還有還有輪子


接下來, Birt能不能接受Shu呢?
請找書本來看吧. (偏不..)

這本書的字數和程度比平常我(們)看的多一點點,  但我也沒在管, 只顧我行我素. 好在兩隻還沒有抱怨.
是說如果像故事書裡面, 小盆友能夠自己做出紙箱大怪物,  也是太酷了的一件事吧.

